
Donate to His Hands for Myanmar

(If using PayPal to donate, please understand that they will deduct a fee from your donation. A receipt is given on the amount we receive, not on the amount sent.)  

Donations for the Housing Fund

Although a permanent home has been purchased for the children's home, funds are still needed for renovations/repairs and additions to the existing building.  To make a donation for the Housing Fund, please use the button below.  You may make a donation in any amount you wish.






Donations for the RWS Love Expressed Fund

To make a donation for the RWS Love Expressed Fund, please use the donate button below.  You may make a donation in any amount you wish.






General donation

To make a general donation to the children's home in Myanmar, please use the button below. You may make a donation in whatever amount you wish. If you would like to designate it for a particular purpose, please make a note in the memo section of the PayPal form.